Singapore Adventure

Monday, August 14, 2006

Whine Whine Whine
by venitha

Over a year of whining about Singapore's weather is finally paying off. It is actually pleasant outdoors, and I don't just mean in that five feet at the open doorways of air-conditioned shops.

Of course, Kalyn, my almost-9-year-old niece visiting from , is doing her damnedest to undo all my hard work.

"I'm co-old," she whined last night, smiling teasingly at me as a cool breeze, obviously straight from heaven, stirred the bright pink tablecloths of our Starlite Dinner Cruise aboard an authentic .

"Whine whine whine." What is she, related to me? I glowered teasingly back, resisted the urge to toss her into the Singapore Strait, and looked around for some duct tape, to no avail, to shut her up. I mean, really, if you're going to whine incessantly, there's no reason to do it aloud.

Just start a blog.


Watch this space for guest commentary courtesy of my favorite almost-9-year-old. Odds are quite good that it will be whine-free: we're having an awesome time, and even my whining has been drowned by raves, laughter, and Kalyn's gleeful cackles.