Singapore Adventure

Friday, July 14, 2006

Venitha's Verbal Vomit
by venitha

Not driving for over a year has made me the worst driver, appallingly discourteous to pedestrians, bikers, and other drivers. In addition, my once stellar navigation-about-town has deserted me. I can't decide if I should blame jetlag, an astonishing amount of road construction, or the evil trickster who rearranged the city in my absence.

Clerks everywhere, from the grocery store to restaurants to clothing stores at the mall, are so friendly and helpful that I'm suspicious of them.

That bastard Eddie Bauer is currently stocking fall clothes - no shorts! Not as ridiculous as Esprit in Singapore pushing denim jackets with fur collars, but still.

I gave my hairdresser the hugest tip.

If the number of postcards on the fridge are any indication, Jim and I have done a buttload of travel in the last year. Strangely missing from my mother-in-law's postcard collection: Singapore!

I've really missed my favorite local restaurant, Yum Yum, and its incredible falafel. Yum yum.

Running in Colorado is glorious: cool and breezy early mornings, gorgeous sunrises well before 7, and yard after yard ablaze with summer flowers. What with one broken bone after another followed by Singapore's continual attempts to drown me in sweat at the mere thought of physical exertion, it's been way too long since I've been able both to run and to love it. Now, does anyone know where I can pick up a pair of high-altitude-capable lungs?
