Singapore Adventure

Monday, January 02, 2006

Happy New Year!
by venitha

We rang in 2006 in style, celebrating at our Bintan beach resort's New Year's Eve Extravaganza, which included a sumptuous buffet (I have no complaints whatsoever about the absolutely delicious desserts; let's hope this is a 2006 trend), an Indonesian music and dance show, numerous lucky draws (we won a free night at Bintan's Club Med; I wouldn't mind this also being a new trend), and a great "boogie" band, complete with a hilarious lead singer who was clearly Mick Jagger and Michael Jackson's Singaporean love child.

We ate, we boogied, we sang loudly, we made copious use of our party favors, and in the end, we actually celebrated three new years:
  • Singapore's: At 11pm on Bintan, we presumptuously jumped the gun, blowing our horns, shaking our noisemakers, and cheering happily. All the adults were, like me, hoping that this would satisfy the younger generation and allow us all to go to bed. But, of course, that was not to be, so we boogied for another hour, even did YMCA on the stage, before celebrating...
  • Bintan's: At midnight, with great fanfare, hugs and kisses, many clinking champagne glasses, numerous poorly pronounced Selamat Tahun Baru's, and several rounds of Auld Lang Syne.
  • Colorado's: As an afterthought - What's the time difference again? - at 2pm the next afternoon, as we tiredly crammed damp swimsuits into bags and the kids frantically spent their last arcade tokens. Jim: I did my best to help. I'm terrible at that game.
We're all now settled back into our condo in Singapore for the coming week. Happy New Year to all! Happy is the 2006 trend I'd take over all others, even good desserts.
